浪客行 浪行惊爆点(台) 亡途觅雪(港) Vagabond
金炫廷 李玹珠 宋彩允
欲戴王冠 必承其重-继承者们 The Heirs One Who Wants to Wear the Crown Bear the Crown – The Heirs The One Trying to Wear the Crown Withstand the Weight – The Heirs
金喜善 柳时元 金浩镇
我给别人的爱情 为爱而留下 Give Love Away
某一天灭亡走进我家门 灭亡 某天灭亡走进我家门
矢作穂香 富田望生 Megumi
甜蜜的负荷 It's Okay Daddy's Girl